Tuesday, December 23, 2008

With this ring..........

My wedding ring has always been a little too big for me. You can read that any way you wish but as far as I'm concerned there is no metaphor here. Thankfully I don't ever recall hearing any lore relating to wedding rings. Break a mirror or step on a crack , that's trouble. But fortunately for me, losing my wedding ring in the back yard has no meaning. At least no symbolic meaning anyway. All it means (I hope) is that my fingers shrink when it's cold outside and I'm somewhat of a careless person. It also means I get to hear a counter-story every time I talk about the demise of my ring.

One guy claims his ring has always been too tight and in 20 years of marriage it hasn't been off his finger for more than 5 minutes. Another related that he nearly lost his ring two months after the wedding while he was on a "business" trip which involved alcohol and the ocean. A guy I used to work with complained that his ring trapped dirt and made his skin rot like athlete's foot. And yet another had his finger removed by a machine and claims it was his ring that saved his whole arm being taken into the crushing gears.

Fortunately for all us guys, the ring is already an official marriage symbol and you just can't add any symbolism on top of it. However, ask me what happened to the photo album from the wedding and you might have a story.

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